Monday 12 May 2014

This is a picture of a wokabit:

See, it is basically just slime, but it moves and its real.
 Aren't they cool?!!

Sunday 4 May 2014

Do you want a pet wokabit? Get one! It's easy to care for them. Here's how!

Step 1: Food and Water
The most important thing to do when caring for your wokabit is feeding them.You must feed your wokabit the food below twice per day as a baby and three times when it is six inches tall (adult). You must give it
a half cup of water and a half cup of wokabit food, which you can purchase online! In case you can't find any
wokabit food for sale, here's how to make it: First, mix a quarter cup of sugar and a quarter cup of salt together, then add three drops of vegetable oil, then, with gloves, carefully pinch off a bit of your sticky wokabit, add it to your mix, and stir thoroughly. The extra bit of it's skin helps it become healthier;do not
worry, it will not get smaller, the mix will also help it grow faster.The tallest a wokabit can get is twelve

Step 2: Training
If you want a well trained wokabit, you must follow these steps:To teach it not to touch you (it's poisonous)
you should speak calmly to your wokabit and take out a few pumpkin seeds(wokabits love them)and throw them a short distance away from you,and your wokabit will go after them.Do this for a week, ten  minute sessions at a time. After it gets used to it, make a throwing motion, and at first, it may seem confused. This is
normal.It may try to move to where you've aimed. Say, "Good." and practice.This is the sign for "Stay away."

Email Holly for more steps and advice at :